Monday, September 24, 2007

Orientation (Day 1)

Had my first day of orientation today. It was a pretty long day, but everything went pretty smoothly. There were 4 other instructors going through it with me, and a good chunk of the day was just practicing different parts of lessons with them. We also observed a class, and performed half of another class. We need to do 2 full classes tomorrow, but everything seems pretty straight forward and the students so far have been really friendly. I need to get up early tomorrow to go open my bank account and maybe get a phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Richard,
Sounds like Nova is still in business so far...hope that doesn't change....The first few days will no doubt be a bit gruelling but I'm sure you'll adapt...As you get into more of a routine the anxiety level should level off and you'll settle into a routine...I find your schedule pretty demanding there alot of preparation or do they have a prescribed curriculum pretty well laid out.
I found teaching ESL quite easy but that was after close to 20 years of teaching other stuff. Small classes help too and I have a feeling your students will be highly motivated.