Some performance involving like... giant snake dragon puppets, and a guy with a sword at one point, and some dancing... I'm sure there was a story involved, but I have no clue what it was.
They had a big section with a bunch of plant displays. I think it was a sort of plant exhibition going on as part of the festival, but a lot of them were really impressive.
Some music. I actually thought this band was really good. I find much of the music popular with Japanese people pretty boring and much of it is too much the same, but this was a bit rockier and had more edge to it. Good variety in their songs too. Too bad I don't know their name.
The garden show center piece. It was this huge garden made in the form of a model of Miyajima. The torii and everything is on the other side (I have pictures of that side too, but I'm only going to include the one here). Pretty amazing though.
Hey Richard,
How are you booking your ticket home? Have you gone to travel stores and asked about flight prices? I know that in HK, it was always cheaper to go into a store and get them to book the ticket for you rather than doing it online. My flight back to Canada was $300 cheaper by booking through a travel agent... just an idea.
Love the "fish on a stick" comment. :)
I'm going to see a travel agent today actually. Hopefully something can be worked out.
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