Sunday, October 28, 2007

Food Festival Revisited

Here's the account of yesterday. Mark and I returned to the food festival. There was a big international food area that wasn't set up Saturday, so we wandered around there a bit and had lunch. (For me, lunch was a Brazilian sausage and some Indian curry with naan). Then we went back to the part of the festival next to the castle, split a cheap bottle of sake, and just sat there hanging out in the sun for a few hours. When it got dark out we got Craig to join us and sat next to the river at the Peace Park and drank some beer. Then we wandered to a game complex and had a round of bowling. Not very exciting, but it was one of those relaxing days where you really appreciate what's around you.

A musical performance at the festival. Interesting, but not really my cup of tea.

The infamous bottle of sake we sat on the grass drinking.

Mark reading the various thank you notes Nova students left taped to the door of the Honko office.

A little mini night festival going on at one of the shrines. More food vendors around it.

The A-Bomb dome as we sat in the Peace Park drinking.

1 comment:

Emily said...

The pictures still look great! Really sucks about Nova though, have you found any good deals on plane tickets yet?