Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hiroshima Food Festival

This weekend is the Hiroshima Food Festival, which is set up around the Hiroshima Castle. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it was free to go check it out, so I decided to take a look. As I got closer to the area it was in, I could tell by the massive number of people moving about that it was probably bigger than I initially thought. I also soon learned that it was more than just a festival for food, although food was certainly the major theme. All told, I think there was more than 400 food vendors set up, and probably another 50 or so booths selling used clothing, plants, appliances, and all manner of other odds and ends. There were also various entertainment set up in the area - some directly part of the festival and others I think just taking advantage of the number of people in the area for the day.
You can kind of get an idea of the crowds from this. This picture has 3-4 vendors though, and as I said, there was probably over 400, so you get an idea for how massive it was in total.

An okonomiyaki vendor.

I'm sure there is an appropriately Japanese name for this that I don't know, but for me, it's fish-on-a-stick. Yummy?

Some wandering guys dressed up as samurai. It was a pretty hot day, so they must have been boiling on this outfits.

I boat that circled the moat around Hiroshima Castle all day. I think you could pay to sit on it as the rowed it around, but I was far too cheap to do that.

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