Thursday, October 25, 2007


Ok. Quick post. So, everything is shut down today. The president of Nova got fired, and the government has taken over Nova under some special law. There is a good chance that it will be going bankrupt in the next few days. In a way, it's good because now we know what's going on and it won't just keep dragging on. The bad news is that you need to have been working in Japan for 3 months before you can be entitled to any unemployment insurance. With Nova gone under, it's likely that our landlord is going to be kicking us out before long, and still no real leads on a job. Unless something develops quickly, I'll probably need to get a ticket home, and maybe I'll come back and try again in a bit. The uncertainty was ok when I at least had a place to stay, but I don't have enough money for a place to live and I'm not sure I can keep waiting for a job if I'm going to lose my apartment. Anyway, if anybody knows where I can get cheap plane tickets, let me know! It looks like it's $2000 for a one-way ticket, or something like half that for a round-trip ticket. Not sure if I can just get a round-trip one and cancel the second half....


Anonymous said...

At least you know where you stand now. I'll start looking into flights for you. Have you decided if you want to travel and see some more of Japan before you leave?

Anonymous said...

This is news that was to be expected...I feel a bit numb though and I'm sure you do too..
My previous offer still stands if you need it...
Will be away til Sunday night..Take care and I will also try to check out flights before I leave today.

--Todd said...

I don't see why you can't get a round trip and then not show up for the second half. If you pay in cash how are they really going to get more money out of you. Its not like its illegal or something. Its confusing to pay more for a service you don't use...