Thursday, October 18, 2007

More Pictures (last one)

A car salesroom. Normal enough, right? Well, this is "Hybrid Paradise", and it happens to be on the 5th floor of a shopping complex. Not really sure how they got the cars up, or how they get them down, unless in Japan hybrid means that they both drive and fly. It *is* Japan after all.

It's the Colonel! KFC and McDonalds are the only 2 fastfood restaurants from North American I've seen. (I'm told that there's a Wendy's in Osaka though).

A Mazda factory (I think). It had this really nice park around it which seemed to be the popular hangout for the neighborhood.

Part of the park, swarming with kids. I took more pictures after this, but as you can begin to see in this one, it was getting darker out and I had a hard time getting clear pictures.

This last one is of Shareo. It's an underground shopping mall that connects to a bunch of different large department stores, streetcar stations, train stations, etc. It's shaped like a big wheel, with a circular sitting area and information desk at the middle, and a number of "spokes" in all directions. This picture is of one such spoke, but I think there's 10 or 12 of them in total.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! And that definitely is a fig tree. Must be warm enough there to force a fig to grow on the plant.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You've made it through a month. You certainly seem to be getting to know the city well; how's learning Japanese going?

I am enjoying the humour in your blogs, from the pictures of the Colonel and the 5th floor car salesroom to the bad English translation.

Checked your e-mail lately?