Tuesday, October 23, 2007


So I went in to work today, and just before I was about to start my lessons, I was told by the Japanese staff that nobody else was coming in today. From what I can gather, 2 of them are "striking" because of the pay thing, and 2 of them are legitimately sick, and the other one had her regular day off today. Well, this changed my schedule around a lot, but since the kid classes are the highest priority, I ended up doing 4.5 hours of kids straight, and then had lessons with the max number of students for the rest. On the plus side, one of my students (Megumi) brought in these yummy pastry things filled with cream as a gift. At least I have my weekend now, to relax and figure things out a bit more.
I still have my weekly excursion planned for tomorrow. I'm going to do some job hunting as well, but I figured it would be sad if I stopped doing anything fun while I'm here. The tentative plan is a combination scavenger hunt/art project, and if it works out you'll see the result at some point over the next week! If it doesn't work out, I'm sure something equally interesting will happen, so I'll talk about that instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite a day! Enjoy your days off and make the most of them. I've sent an article regarding Nova's situation. It may give you more information to help make your decision. Best of luck.