Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ok folks, I'm still alive!

Going through my email, I have found multiple messages from people concerned for my well-being. I'm safe and well, and a bit tired, sitting in the Narita Airport about to fly back to Canada. The problem was that (ironically) it was nearly impossible to get a good internet connection in Tokyo. I was staying in one of those little capsule hotels (no internet), and since I didn't really want to lug my backpack and laptop all over the place, I'd put those in a metro locker during the day, so I didn't even have my computer most of the time. A few times I lugged them around long enough to find an unprotected wireless signal to send off critical emails (i.e. Please remember to send my luggage from Hiroshima today!), but there aren't really "private" places in Tokyo, and I didn't want to sit there next to an apartment stealing internet for longer than was absolutely necessary. I'll post this now, so that people know I'm alright, and I'll start on the post(s) about Tokyo, which I'll either finish while still here, or in Chicago, or back on Toronto.

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