Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Nara Day 2

Relatively short post today because I'm pretty tired. It was overcast and drizzling in Nara again this morning, and I spent most of the morning just wandering around the commercial part of the city window shopping. I checked out two more museums/exhibits - one containing mostly statues, and the other of pottery, coins and scrolls from as far back as 1400 BC. The real highlight of the day was visiting the Yoshikien and Isuien gardens. Isuein Garden especially was amazing. You can't really capture the serenity of beauty with pictures, but here are some I took to give you an idea.

Once I was done in Nara, I got back on the train and headed to Kyoto. I had another very tiring walk around looking for a place to stay. Lugging my backpack and laptop around for hours is really starting to tax my body. Everywhere I tried was either full, or way to expensive for me. I managed to book a dormitory-style room at a small boarding house type place for 3 nights, but there was nowhere free for tonight. In the end, I got a different boarding house to let me sleep on the floor of the common area for the night. Not the fanciest living, but better than sleeping outside (in the rain). These boarding house places are cheap too, costing around $20 Cdn. Time to go to bed so I can get up early and plan my day in Kyoto. So much to see...


Anonymous said...

Again Great pictures...I can't wait to see the originals!
This isn't exactly 5 star living but you'll have 5 star memories and will soon get a chance to recharge!
Hopefully your 3 day stop in Kyoto will lessen your actual carrying load...Hope there is a safe place to store your laptop during the day.
It's cold and rainy (almost snow) here today...good day to be in Japan!
Take care!

Maureen said...

Wow, those gardens are gorgeous!

I admire your persistence in looking at pottery. While I was abroad, I discovered how I'd prefer to gnaw off my own arm than have to go through another museum that shows pottery. :|

Good luck finding places to sleep!

Anonymous said...

I love the gardens! I can't wait to hear the details of your museum and garden visits. Enjoy your visit to Kyoto, hopefully you'll be able to rest and recharge.