Saturday, November 3, 2007

Cross Country Voyage - Beginning

Well, here I am, sitting in the middle of a park somewhere in Himeji, at 1am, stealing internet from some nearby resident. It's pretty chilly tonight, and I have to lug my laptop and backpack with everything in it all over the place, but at least I'm out of Hiroshima and on my way. I took a train to Okayama, and then transferred to another train to Himeji, which went relatively smoothly. I don't have a place to stay here though, and I figure I'll just hang out outside and sleep under a tree for the night. I tried to find a place to get a late night meal, but instead ended up in the red light district being asked if I wanted massages every 5 minutes. One of them was rather persistent, but finally gave up when I told her "I worked for Nova, no money." This city in general seems a lot shadier than Hiroshima, but I'm only here for a day anyway. I'll do the castle tour and check out the gardens tomorrow, and then onwards to Nara.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is trurning into quite an adventure but you'll have priceless memories for the rest of your life.
Keep your health in mind though and try to get some rest and proper food. You have a pretty hectic itinerary for the next couple of weeks but there's home cooking at the end of it.
Take care!